I am motivated by a deep desire to support you in living from your soul.
I had a hard time connecting with my own soul partly due to growing up highly sensitive in a culture that tried to make me “normal” – which is partly how i came to discover deep insight into the soul, body and emotion and how they interelate.
After a degree in Social Anthropology and a Masters in Development Science, i realised that study and understanding actually doesn’t make people feel better! So I studied sports massage (1998), and then craniosacral therapy and other mind-body-emotion bodywork modalities, (2000-2007) with a range of different teachers, including a yoga teacher training, somatic experiencing (SE), 20 years of 5 Rhythms dance and teacher training, and finally i qualified as a Family Constellation Therpist in 2018. I also began silent meditation at age 18 and have studied with a variety of Buddhist Vipasana teachers as well as an extended period with Thomas Hübl. My clear awareness in presence is the foundation of all my research and healing work. It is the universal energy, God, spirit or the ONE that works through me. I have done a lot of work on learning how to not get in the way.
Since childhood i have been deeply connected with plants and animals. I went on to become fascinated in my teens with children who can’t learn, and finding ways of teaching so they can. I became a tutor for learning disabled children – now known as ADHD, Aspergers, tourettes and so on with 100% success rates at A grades which was rather controversial since these children were supposed to be low functioning. I discovered that when you connect with any child’s soul you can draw out their abilities and help the brain make new connections… which is what we do in craniosacral work and speaking therapy too. I worked in Mexico with street children (1999) and developed a family diagnostic method for children at risk for a street children NGO JUCONI. I went on to develop a way of working with parents to help them take emotional resposability that would enable highly sensitive children to thrive in a much clearer emotional environment. The icing on the cake is the family constellation work that resolves ancestral issues that one on one therapy cannot – however these issues often appear to be personal. What i offer you is a sythesis of all the different modialites that i have studied and practised, with a foundation of presence. The presence contains the universal intelligence that we can all access when we get out of the way and allow ourselves to see what is right in front of us. This is what i teach parents, and what i show individuals. I show you who you really are.
I believe in myself. That’s how I can believe in you. Whatever you are looking for is possible. Your ability to find it is determined only by your courage to open to new possibilities. I am inspired to share how simple things can be by enabling you to experience this shift in perspective. Life’s simple truths are not available through concepts or thoughts, but only through direct experience. To experience one has to be embodied.
So we practise getting more and more embodied. Going beyond what we “know” and being with you in what is actually happening for you right now is my passion. No matter whether that’s the nervous system, muscles or emotions. Full acceptance and full seeing of what is there creates profound and often unexpected transformation.
My own strongest lessons have come through doing what others said was impossible, especially in terms of healing myself. I am specialised in finding the emotional roots of physical disease and treating people from both the emotional and the physical end of the spectrum so that full healing without relapse is possible. The body is a self-healing organism, which medical science largely seems to overlook. Cranio Healing™ is a form of integrative bodywork that I have developed which combines consciousness work, emotionl integration/ancestral release and the craniosacral modality.
This is a recent picture of me no filters. I am 49. I live what i practice. And as Rumi says, when you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy…
I invite you to dive into your creative core and see how much joy you can feel about being your self.