Supporting children is my passion. I love children. They challenge their parents to respond, to be open, present and curious, to play, invent and set limits. They mirror everything we don’t want to see about ourselves with complete innocence. They are totally honest. Supporting their health and full expression has positive consequences for everyone. Children’s nervous systems are still much more maleable than adult’s, and their behavioural patterns are less set. They respond well, adapt fast, and tend to know exactly what they need and want from treatment. Once babies have grown into children I have found that often treating the parents is more effective to help the child, because the child is just reflecting parental habits and emotional patterns… Please consider this for yourself.
Even a normal birth creates stresses and strains through the whole body right down to the pelvis, and cranio can help release these so the child has a balanced start to build on. Babies respond very quickly to craniosacral. You will see better digestion, eating, less crying and more sleep usually after just one session. It is really important to treat the shock of being born as soon as possible after birth because it can create emotional problems in relating as well as physical issues. Problems like colic, sucking problems, breathing difficulties and constant crying can often be remedied by treatment.
Babies skulls generally get squashed by the compressive forces in the birth canal, and the occiput can get very strongly compressed, so that baby’s neck appears shorter. If the nervous system is compromised, the brain may not be able to develop properly and speech and movement delays can occur. In the case of a caesarian birth the baby can suffer from lack of being squashed – the 3rd ventricle in the brain needs the compression to start working properly. Caesarian babies often don’t come fully to life, and craniosacral therapy can remedy this fast by igniting the but, heart and 3rd ventricle so that the basic vital forces kick in and the babies core energy is online. Without this life can really be a struggle.
Because of the sensitivity of listening in craniosacral, it is especially appropriate for babies as their delicate boundaries and soft skulls need to be treated with utmost sensitivity and care, and they obviously cant verbalize complaints! Being treated shortly after birth can have a profoundly life-changing effect for the little one, and the parents’ chances of sleep plus peace of mind. Mira treats all babies under 9 months free of charge on the first visit.
If speech or walking are delayed, a cranio session can help things along by working with the affected brain areas, and resolving birth trauma.
“Julian made a great developmental leap after his session with you. He’s like a different child. We are so grateful.”Adolf Brown, Chiropracter, father of 2 year old Julian.
Knocks and bumps
Babies and young children often slip and bang themselves. If they hit their heads or fall hard it is good to have a cranio check up as soon as possible. Any damage and shock, especially to the skull and brain can usually be remedied if treated promptly. This prevents later complications.
Learning difficulties, ADD, ADH, Autism
Learning and behavioural difficulties can be due to earlier trauma and lack of grounding in the body – which is often released in just a few sessions. They can also be caused by birth trauma to the skull and brain – which can be released fairly easily, completing the process of birthing and coming into the body. An insecure, anxious child can become confident and full of energy in a very short time. The closer to birth the child is treated the better, but even at age 4,5 or 8 the treatment is much quicker than at age 15, for example. I have had success treating and reversing the tics found in Tourette’s syndrome – such as repettitve tongue curling, stroking, rubbing etc. They are usually expressions of stress in the child and can be reversed in the order they arose.
Dyslexia and hyperactivity
are often relatively easy to “cure” completely by observing what is going on in the brain activity and allowing new nerve connections to form and skull bones to shift and expand. Hyperactivity can be relieved by working with the nervous system, and sometimes changes in diet. Even severe conditions such as autism and asperger’s can be treated, especially if there is an emotional component. This is possible whether the child is able to lie still on a couch or just to allow the therapist to be present in the room. Direct touch is not strictly necessary, though it can assist the process.
have severe consequences in some children, causing the craniosacral system to contract and areas of the brain to cease normal functioning because they are literally poisoned with heavy metals. I am not anit-vaccine. However vaccines do sometimes cause problems especially for sensitive children so please be aware. Symptoms exhibited may include the following:
- emotional outbursts
- sleep disturbance
- skin rashes
- food allergies
- extreme fear
- inability to relate
- eyes glazed, staring into space
- digestive disturbances
- severe reaction – arching neck back and screaming
Sensitive cranio trauma release work can sometimes help these children where nothing else can, because the therapist can perceive the distortions in the brain membranes and help the child discharge the terror caused by the body’s instinctive contraction in response to the chemicals in the system. I have treated a number of small babies with very severe symptoms who have fully recovered in just 2-3 sessions so please seek help as soon as possible after vaccination if this occurs.
Hospital visits and operations
can create similar trauma which is stored unconsciously in the bodybut effects conscious behaviour in unpredictable ways, as above. It can be treated, and the sooner after the experience the better.
Sensitivity & shyness
Some so-called “shy” children are in fact not shy but highly senstivie. To learn more about highly sensitive children click on the link for a basic overview. Elaine Aaron first researched HSP traits and you can read more on for background information on how 1 in 5 people have a different nervous system. These children can find it hard to stay embodied, are often spacy and distracted, cant concentrate, are startled by loud noise and aggressive people, and often like to play alone. They can also be highly intelligent, creative and social, and respond very well to cranio. They often seem to have a yearning for deeper human connection but just find life so overwhelming and fraught that their nervous systems shut down. Mira loves working with these children as they respond so well, and she has a natural connection with them that helps them open up and gain confidence. Mira has been specialising in treating highly sensitive children for a number of years and can help parents understand how they are different from other children, and what they need.
There are many benefits of treatment for pregnant mothers. Cranio can alleviate lower back pains and sciatica, and other discomforts caused by the physical stress of carrying the baby. Cranio Healing can help the mother to establish a stronger heart connection with the unborn child, which seems to facilitate a much smoother birth process. Any emotional distress that the baby has experienced such as fear or loneliness can be released – like an in-womb session – which can be a very comforting experience for a being that cannot yet speak or express. The mother can also learn ways of feeling and bonding with the child that sometimes get left out in our rushed and stressed modern lives. So it has a positive impact on the mother child relationship even before birth.Treatment after birth can help reset the pelvis, alleviate shock, post natal depression and help the body gain energy to recover normal functioning.