Do you sometimes just wish you knew what to do when your child melts down or reacts in the exact same way again? Or do you doubt your parenting ability because you only see your failures?
Mira had a profound effect on my life and that of my nine year old son when we spent some time with her. After experiencing cranio with Mira for the first time, my son, who has an ADHD diagnosis, was calm and able to function easily where before he had been plagued by ticks. The difference in his behaviour was so marked at school the next day that his class teacher phoned me up to ask what on earth had happened to him! Mira was able to connect with him and speak to him with refreshing honesty, acceptance and humour.I had one cranio session with Mira and I will never forget the effect it had on my body, my breathing and my well-being. At the end of the very relaxing session she supported me while I stood laughing, gasping, crying while all the rubbish just flew out through my feet. I have never had such a feeling of space in my body. I could breathe freely and felt that my lungs could just keep on expanding, there was so much room inside!I must say I’ve never had an experience like the one I had with you. It’s an amazing gift that you have.
My approach is to support parents in handling their own experiences more gracefully so that they can be present with their children when they need it most.
If you have a child that seems out of sorts whom no-one can help, please relax. By reaching out to me for help you will learn a huge amount in the process of solving the situation, and there will be progress for your whole family in the most natural and easy way.
“Just wanted to say thank you for today’s session. Izzy (aged 4) is much calmer and happier. You are such a great teacher and support to me and i can’t tell you how blessed i feel that our paths crossed at this time.” (mother, R)
Childhood “Conditions”
There is often a common cause for ADH, hyperactivity, dyslexia and a host of other conditions, even post-operative trauma. It relates to grounding or internal body connections. Helping a child to embody or ground is relatively simple, though often overlooked by medical practitioners. I work with your child’s soul by creating a safe space of acceptance where the soul can return to the body and integrate. Once this is achieved, the child’s core energy can open up so that they relax and ground. This may involve play, craniosacral bodywork to strengthen the core energy or assisting with schoolwork as feels appropriate. Its a simple but skilled and delicate process which you will come to appreciate as your child begins to open up and respond.
We work initially with the affected child with a series of simple steps that will create noticeable change within the first two or three sessions. It will often be necessary to work with the accompanying parent too. At the moment I work mostly with parents online… Mothers of sick or difficult children are understandably often concerned and stressed, and also need support to learn to calm themselves, stay in their centre, and be able to deal with their own emotions that the child triggers. Once this is established, the mother-child relationship can be addressed to positive effect. Often other family members will then also begin to shift, often with the father as the last, but crucial member to participate.
I work organically with whatever arises in the family dynamic. There is an intelligence or a logic to the sequence that’s required which presents itself as I am working. In practice this will mean doing individual sessions with children or parents, then maybe some sessions with both mother and child, then with two children, and eventually with the whole family. This may be interspersed with individual bodywork sessions as issues arise.
It also includes a large element of awareness teaching. I don’t profess to have answers to family issues. I don’t think there are any set right ways of doing things. However i do know a lot about what makes children and parents healthy, emotionally and phsycially and what makes them sick and upset. I teach the principles of grounding, embodiment, and how to be fully present with what is actually happening in real life. The answers come from the parent’s individual response to situations, not from ideas in parenting books. For parents to be able to set authentic and useful boundaries they must be able to stay connected in their bodies. Parents must also learn to feel and perceive what is actually going on with the child. Then they will be able to respond rather than react from ideas. This takes time and practice, and is very rewarding when things click. I will encourage you to find your essential wisdom in each situation and to find what is best for you and your child. There can be no rules or generalisations because no two people, situations or families are alike. Every situation needs to be approached afresh, and the only person who has the capacity to do this is you, the parent, by being with and listening to your child, and yourself.
This is a radical process oriented and holistic approach, which covers everything from nutrition to trauma work to increasing your awareness. Although it includes change, I believe that engaging in this change consciously is actually in step with the global evolution currently in evidence, and therefore it makes sense. Certainly the families who have experienced my work have never looked back, though they often forget quickly how bad things were initially…
I am a fully qualified Family Constellation Practitioner I have a separate website for families with lots of free information: see
Families are collections of individuals. So when the individual members learn how to ground and feel themselves, the whole family feeling changes. The less individuals blame each other for their own emotions, the clearer and calmer family interactions get. My method of working with families is simple, organic and no effort at all. Yet the results are profound. You will all learn to ground, feel yourself, stay in your truth, use your intuition and see how your own patterns are contributing to what happens in your family. Then things will change. This is not a therapy, and it does not fix problems. It is about a shift in awareness which reveals the solutions to you. We all have this natural intelligence within us. Please take a look at the following testimonials to get a sense of what can happen.
A Family Testimonial
Elizabeth Hajek – mother
We are so happy with what you are doing in our family. I have learnt that the problems with the kids are signs of behaviours I need to look at in myself. After all they grew up with me so I know where they learnt them… When I look at myself honestly the problems with the kids just dissolve. That’s how it is. The real work is the struggle with yourself, the problem is not the kids.
After just 3 sessions with you Mara’s teacher at the Green School in Bali was so surprised at the change in her when she read to the class that he asked us what had happened. We gave him your number.
Rudi Hajek – Father
Since I started doing craniosacral with Mira a few months ago, a lot has shifted. Initially I felt strong change on a bodily level, and became more aware of my movements and grounding. Suddenly 18 years worth of surfing technique and experience all came together. I was surfing like a dream without having worked to get there. My mind was clear and focused and I could experience the moment fully and enjoy it – WOW that is really an extraordinary experience. Through the sessions it has become crucial to me to experience life as it is, and to be authentic. I feel so much better. My/this state feels totally natural and unforced, without rules or shoulds. I can set real boundaries for my kids that work and we are all closer. It’s a feeling comes from deep inside and gives me a sense of self-assuredness and strength.
Apart from that, my energy reserves get filled up after every session and I feel a joy in being alive that I just dig!
Our 10 year old daughter was hyper and very distant. She was also dyslexic. Since having 3 sessions of craniosacral with Mira, she is confident, balanced, energized and at peace in herself. The most remarkable thing is that in 3 weeks her writing and reading difficulties have improved dramatically. She has even started reading on her own for fun. Before she had to be forced to read and write, yet since her sessions she loves it and does it. Not only are we and Mara’s schoolteacher surprised, but Mara is also surprised by this fast change, and is still wondering what happened. The dyslexia is gone. We thought it was incurable.
Mara Hajek – aged 10
Everything is so easy now. I don’t know why I didn’t always do things this way.